Purchase this item from BeginningBoutique.com.
Pose wearing it here as your Wifely Salary Submission --- and one random entry of the 26 entries per Category (1A thru 1Z) will be awarded $100.00 We charge BeginningBoutique.com $200.00 to advertise in this Category, on this Pic Number. $100.oo of that $200.oo is our's, while the other $100.00 of the $200.oo we randomly give to one of the 26 participants (1A thru 1Z) who purchased this item and provides BeginningBoutique.com with some actual "USERS" modeling their item from a "USERS POINT OF VIEW." People who do this we call "User Models".

Click Here To Consider Purchasing This Product and Becoming a "User Model" For This Item.

Up to 26 women (1A thru 1Z) can duplicate this picture. Cost is $3.00 for the Membership + $5.00 for every $10,000 Wifely Salary amount requested. Since BeginningBoutique.com Orlando Yellow Maxi Dress (Pic1) is listed as a $1200.00 Wifely Salary Request, the cost for a woman to list herself for BeginningBoutique.com Orlando Yellow Maxi Dress 1A thru 1Z is:

You purchase
The BeginningBoutique.com
Orlando Yellow Maxi Dress
(Pic 1) on their website first


The Paypal Wifely Salary
Request Fee -
on our Marriage Broker website -
for 1 month

--- $8.00


You purchase
The BeginningBoutique.com
Orlando Yellow Maxi Dress
(Pic 1) on their website first


The Paypal Wifely Salary
Request Fee -
on our Marriage Broker website -
for 1 year

--- $20.00

If you are a man
wanting to contact
a Wifely Prospect
here, your cost is
$20.00 for every
$10,000 Wifely
Salary increment.

Pic 1
Contact Price =


It's FREE to emulate the picture above,
 but ...

If you want an element deleted,
such as you like everything but
you're not willing to do a
"DAILY Milk In Your Mouth" (i.e.),
it costs $2.00 to delete it. Or
if you wish to change or add an
element or a picture, such as
you wish to change a picture's
"Wifely Salary Request" Price
from $3000.00 per month to
$10,000.00 per month, or whatever,
it costs $3.00. We've kept it
inexpensive to change, delete,
or add elements. This includes
a completely new re-do or
customized template. Please
include all pics, etc. and we'll
build it for $8.00. Or you may
build your own template, sub-
ject to our approval, for $10.00 .
Again, include all pics, icons,
etc. used by you. The template
must be made in a Paint.net
.PDN file with every element
or object on its OWN layer.
After you've done that, you
then convert it to a single
layer .png file. Be sure to SEND
FILES TO US. If your work is
a .gif , .mp4 , or WebP file,
that file must be included
as well.

Please email us about any plans
to delete, add, or change things at:


We'll send you an additional
Paypal, as needed.

Songs by a singer on our Songs List,
such as Irene Lambert,
cost $20.00. To Audition To Be
A Singer For WifelySalary.dating
costs $10.00 and does not guarantee
you'll be approved. If approved,
you''ll earn $15.00 every time
one of your songs is placed on
someone's page.