Please Only Contact This Lady If You Believe She Is WORTH IT,
AND, you accept her Requested "Wifely Salary" as fair and do-able by you.
That does not mean you cannot negotiate with her on it. But The Wifely
Salary she listed is around the Wifely Salary she wants. Remember that.
Contact Member 1A -
Step 1 - Since 1A's requested Wifely Salary in this Category is $10,000.00 or less, her Contact Fee is $20.00
Please click into this Paypal Page and first pay $20.00 to Contact This Lady:
Step 2 - In the Paypal Comment Box please write:
"A Little Skin Side View" ---
Member 1A
Be sure to include your own name and email and preferably a phone number
so that your P.A.M. (Personal Account Manager) can confer with you on what
you want, understand what she's made available, and then help you to contact her.
NOTE - Some women receive emails directly, while other use our 'Relay Email Service,' where we only deliver the email to them when conditions set by
the lady are met.
Because you write to her does not guarantee that she will read your email,
and/or does not guarantee that she will answer back. But, never fear!, if you DO NOT receive a
reply from this lady within a week, your $20.00 Email Fee here allows you to write 1 other woman (who also has a $20.00 Email Fee) at no additional cost.