Up to 26 Members (Member-1A
thru Member-1Z) may purchase
this same
Venus.com Item + $1200.00 Wifely
Salary PDN & PNG Pics -
Purchase this item from Venus.com.
Pose wearing it here as your Wifely Salary Submission ---
and one entry in each of the 26 entries per Category
(1A thru 1Z) will be awarded $100.00
We charge Venus.com $200.00 to advertise
in this Category, on this Pic Number.
$100.oo of that $200.oo is our's, while the
other $100.00 of the $200.oo we randomly give to one
of the 26 participants (1A thru 1Z) who
purchased this item and provides
Venus.com with some actual "USERS"
modeling their item from a "USERS
POINT OF VIEW." People who do this we call
"User Models".